CEO Message

Nanotechnology that can provide solution to any requirement of customers with best technology
CNNT is established in 2014 and leading the CNF technology by producing the competitive nano cellulose products through out continuous Research & Business Development efforts.
In addition, CNNT is making a great efforts to become a social contribution company that pursues development activities, ethical management and corporate profit for the global environment.
Future is technology, technology is achieved through talented person
CNNT, who loves people and technology, has made bold investments in technology development to develop new technology and we will continue our human resources-oriented management by fostering talented people.
We want to grow into a company that contributes to national industrial development
To be the best company in the world, passionate CNT will continue to make bold investments to develop new technologies and products and contribute to the development of the industry.
Furthermore, we would like to create a bright society in which the growth of the company leads to the development of all of its employees.